
Think Like a Scientist

We investigate businesses and markets beyond the superficial: frank in-depth conversations with customers, quantifying unresearched markets from the bottom up, digging out hard-to-uncover information on competitors, and working through company performance data from all available sources

We analyse this base of hard evidence with clear, critical thinking, focusing on uncovering the handful of concrete insights that are of genuine value.

We work with senior clients who want to know their decisions have solid foundations, but they want to get to the heart of the matter, make decisions and take action

So we focus reporting on new critical insights: what really matters for performance that clients do not already know

Our reports are to the point; our meetings are focused on conclusions and decisions

We care about valuable action, so we work with clients to develop smart strategies with concrete actions

With few exceptions, our primary concern with every strategy and action we recommend is growing profit

Perform Like an Athlete

We support our strategic advice with sessions with top teams, working back from long term visions to 90 day plans that provide the impetus of simple, achievable steps.

We are available to coach key individuals: setting and hitting targets; and acting as a sounding board when issues arise

We train teams where they have critical skill gaps in our areas of expertise